A Decade with Dr. Daines!

September marks the 10 Year Anniversary of Dr. Steven Daines in practice at the Appearance Center of Newport Beach. As a thank you to patients, we are offering some incentives to come and see Dr. Daines in the month of September: – 10% off Botox/Dysport; – 10% off filler; – 10% off CO2 laser with complimentary exosomes (a $200 value)(book…

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Fearful of Filler?

Dermal fillers, also called injectables, are a safe and effective way to enhance your appearance without the need for invasive surgery or downtime, but results are very dependent on the injector. At the Appearance Center, our providers are highly-trained medical professionals, familiar with the unique anatomy of the face, and have had extensive training and…

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Thinking About a Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty, or nose job, is surgery performed to alter the way your nose functions and looks. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed yearly, making this the most common facial plastic surgery procedure. Rhinoplasty can simultaneously help you improve breathing and achieve a more balanced appearance. IS RHINOPLASTY…

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Facial Filler vs. Fat Grafting

“I just want to look “x” years younger” is a common request in the dermatology or plastic surgery office. One way to accomplish that is to restore facial volume. Most of us may not initially recognize volume loss in our face because we see ourselves everyday. But the changes become stark when we look at…

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Achieving Perfect Lips: Filler or Lip Lift?

Hyaluronic acid injections, commonly known as “fillers,” are a popular way to increase lip volume. Injectable filler is relatively quick to perform, has minimal downtime, and provides immediate results. Not all patients will benefit from lip filler, especially patients with a long upper lip. In those cases, a surgical lip lift is the only option…

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Minimizing and Treating Bruising after Procedures

Bruising is common after surgery and filler injections. It usually peaks around 48 hours after intervention and then slowly resolves over 10 days. While most patients expect bruising after surgery, it is less accepted by patients after minimally invasive treatments such as filler.  Bruising from filler can be minimized by injecting with a cannula instead…

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Skin Care Products: Staff Favorites

A common question we get asked is what products we use and recommend to our friends and family. We have compiled a list of our staff’s favorite products, and how they changed our skin! And we are excited to introduce a few members of our Appearance Center team.

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What is a Chin Implant?

The chin plays a critical role in the balance of facial features. A strong chin can create a greater appearance of strength, symmetry and self-confidence. We offer several options to enhance the size and appearance of your chin. Placement of a chin implant, also known as chin augmentation, provides definition for the lower face and…

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Management of Keloid Scars caused by Ear Piercings

Keloid scars can occur after ear piercings. They are typically large raised, firm nodules that occur at the site of the piercing. They can become painful and physically disfiguring. The cause is thought to be epithelial (skin) entrapment along the piercing tract. This can occur if the piercing gets inflamed or is allowed to seal.…

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Acne Management: When it Feels Like You’ve Tried Everything

Acne is caused by a variety of factors. These factors include increased p. acnes bacteria, increased oil production by oil glands, “clogged pores,” genetic susceptibility, and increased androgen hormones. It is important to target multiple causes of acne to best control it. There are many “tried and true” options and some newer and less well…

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