Neck Lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure used to permanently remove excess skin and reposition the muscles in the neck. A neck lift will improve the appearance of aging and loose skin in order to create a beautiful and defined neckline. A neck lift is frequently combined with a facelift.

A Permanent Solution to Loose Skin & Excess Fat

The neck can be one of the most telling signs of age. As we age, the skin in our neck begins to lose elasticity and collagen, and the once taught area between the chin and the chest, begins to droop, hang, and sag. In many instances this area will also hold a fair amount of excess fat. While there are some minimally invasive treatments to help improve the appearance of the neck, the most effective and permanent solution is the neck lift. A neck lift will tighten loose skin and sagging neck muscles, ultimately creating a more defined neck line and a sleeker, more appealing look. Patients who undergo a neck lift often notice a softer appearance of vertical neckbands in addition to the decrease in fat and loose skin. For some patients, a neck lift will result in what seems to appear as significant weight loss in the face and neck. This is only the result of the removal of excess bulk in that highly visible area. Our Newport Beach cosmetic surgeons specialize in understanding the common signs of aging and identifying the best ways in which to address them. We deliver beautiful results for a refined, defined, and softer neck line. If you’re in the Orange County area, give us a call.

Combining a Neck Lift with Additional Procedures

During the consultation process your neck lift specialist will discuss a variety of surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for a more beautiful and refined neckline.  In some instances, Appearance Center neck lift specialists will recommend combining the neck lift with additional treatment options in order to further customize results for an enhanced and overall softer finish. Frequent surgical or treatment combinations include: 

  • Neck lift and submentoplasty – for additional removal of excess fat
  • Neck lift and mini facelift – for a more complete, rejuvenated appearance
  • Neck lift and CO2 fractional laser treatment of the Face, Neck, and Chest – for a beautiful finish, and a revitalized appearance
  • Neck lift and nonsurgical facial volume enhancement with injectable fillers – for a youthful boost

 The end goal of any cosmetic surgical procedure is to provide the most natural results possible. 

Determining Whether You Are a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift Consultation

Some of the physical features noted by patients before a neck lift consultation include: 

  • The neck “not matching”  the face
  • Sagging skin or excess weight in the neck and chin
  • Wrinkling and loose skin in the neck, even if the patient is of a healthy weight
  • Muscle banding in the neck – highly visible vertical muscles in the neck

 If you are experiencing one or more of the physical characteristics of aging noted above, you are a candidate for a neck lift consultation. A neck lift will help to permanently reduce the appearance of unwanted skin and fat in the neck, providing you with a sleeker, slimmer, overall appearance in the neck.


*Individual results may vary.

FAQs About Neck Lift

During your neck lift procedure, you will be placed under sedation anesthesia by a board certified Anesthesiologist. Small incisions will be made beneath the chin and behind the ears extending into the hairline. The sagging muscles are then tightened and excess skin is repositioned and removed. If necessary, the surgeon may tighten the central neck muscles by making small incisions under the chin. The surgeon may also remove excess fat during your surgery with liposuction. The removal of excess fat with liposuction creates greater definition of neck by improving the submental-neck angle. Your surgeon will finish the procedure by suturing the incisions and bandaging you properly.

Your surgeon will discuss aftercare and recovery with you in more specific detail, however, in general, patients should expect the following.

First 24 hours: Facelift patients may feel groggy or nauseous after surgery. The feeling should subside within the first 24 hours after surgery.

1 – 7 days: Some bruising and/or swelling should be expected. Your physician will discuss appropriate pain management techniques for during this time.

7 – 10 days: bruising and swelling should subside.

10 – 14 days: many patients return to work after 10 to 14 days of recovery.  

Read About Our Neck Lift Specialists

Simon Madorksy, MD – Double Board Certified in ENT Surgery and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 

 Suzanne Quardt, MD – Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

To schedule an appointment, please call (949) 200-1615.


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