Bruising is common after surgery and filler injections. It usually peaks around 48 hours after intervention and then slowly resolves over 10 days. While most patients expect bruising after surgery, it is less accepted by patients after minimally invasive treatments such as filler.
Bruising from filler can be minimized by injecting with a cannula instead of a needle. Cannulas have blunt ends (unlike a needle which is sharp) and cause less trauma during the injection. Because there is less trauma, there is usually minimal, if any, bruising. However, some areas are likely to bruise because of anatomical reasons, even with the cannula technique.

At the Appearance Center, bruising can be promptly treated with VBeam. Our V-beam pulsed dye laser has been extremely effective at eliminating early bruising. It is typically performed 24-48 hours after initial treatment (ie filler or surgery), and significantly reduces the bruise within 24 hours. In the event of significant bruising, we are pleased to offer complimentary v-beam treatment. As a result, patients can enjoy their results, bruise-free, as quickly as possible.
Fun fact: Whether the bruise is from a procedure or just an accidental trauma, the v-beam can speed up the recovery and get you looking good to go!