It’s All About the Eyes!

Are you noticing excess or loose skin around your eyes? When it comes to lifting and tightening the skin in this area, we have two approaches, one surgical and one done with a laser. Often our recommendation for optimal results is to combine the two.
Blepharoplasty is intended to enhance the upper and/or lower lids, to create a more refreshed, youthful look. For the upper lid, the procedure involves making an incision in the natural crease of the eyelid, and then removing and reshaping the skin, muscle, and fat that deflate and droop with age and sun exposure.
Blepharoplasty can also be performed on the lower eyelid. As people age, the tissue that holds the fat in place can loosen and the fat can protrude, giving the appearance of bags under the eyes. These bags can be repositioned and reshaped.

CO2 laser resurfacing is an excellent way to tighten skin and reduce discoloration of the skin around the eyes.
This laser tightens minor excess skin on the eyelids, reduces of signs of aging in the eye area, and the completely renews the skin. And with the CO2 laser we can tailor treatment according to the nature and extent of photodamage, wrinkling, skin type and individual requirements for recovery time.
When considering a fractional CO2 laser for the eyes, remember that the effects can take up to 8-12 weeks to see, so plan accordingly!
This procedure can be done on its own or in conjunction with eyelid surgery.