Say Goodbye to that Double Chin

Are you looking for a “snatched” jawline? Are you tired of pushing yourself at the gym but still seeing no changes to your double chin? You are not alone! A stubborn double chin or sometimes called extra submental fat may not be your fault.
Age, genetics, and lifestyle (i.e. diet and exercise) influence the size and stubbornness of a double chin. Achieving a tight and defined jawline depends on several factors including our chin position, amount of
submental fat, and neck skin sagging.
The Youthful Neck
A youthful neckline conveys a sense of health, confidence, and attractiveness. We associate a beautiful neckline with a strong chin and jawline that creates a natural and defined transition from the jaw to the neck.
Understanding the Double Chin
Not all double chins are the same. The double chin seen in younger patients (ages 20-30s) with fullness below the chin is typically due to stubborn, excess fat just below the level of the skin (i.e. pre-platysma fat). These individuals are great candidates for less invasive treatments such as fat dissolvers (i.e. Kybella), Submental Liposuction, and occasionally Isolated Deep Neck Contouring.
Sometimes, these individuals also have a smaller, weaker chin, which makes the “double chin” even more noticeable. For these patients, I like to augment the chin with either filler or a more permanent solution such as a chin implant.
If you’re struggling with a “double chin” but none of this applies to you, don’t worry! We’re only scratching the surface of double chins on this blog. Stay tuned for our next blog where I’ll discuss more advanced treatment options.